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The School Commission

Angela Poli
Presidente Commissione Scuola

The activity of the School Commission develops through projects and workshops yearly elaborated which are proposed to schools and to the Provincial School Office of Ferrara.
Schools interested in participating to the “School Project” are directly contacted by the representatives of the Commission or are pushed for getting in touch with the secretaryship of the Ente Palio or with the territory-related Contrada.
As a starting point, the school is offered a standard educational path, with the possibility of implementing changes aimed at the needs that, from time to time, can be indicated by the Teachers, who will always be involved and with whom the program must be shared.
Facilitators will develop and work on the activities together with Teachers.
The activity is more than twenty-years-old and, on average, fifty classes are involved (equally divided into primary and secondary). The facilitators of the Contrade carry out about 120 meetings with the involvements of at least 1000 students.
The mission of the Commission and of the School Project is to promote the knowledge of the history of Ferrara and its links to the history of the Palio among the young people.
For over five years the Commission has implemented an exceptional path with the local Liceo Artistico Dosso Dossi, establishing a call for the realization of drapes for the four Palli that every year the Contrade compete during the Races to the Palio.

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